Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25, 2014 - The Christmas Hermit

The spirit of the hermit lives in the woods, always.  You will not see him under ordinary circumstances, for he is, after all, a hermit.  He wanders through the woods in daily meditation and spiritual communing.  There are well-worn paths where he trods, and if you look for them carefully, you will always find them.  But you must know what to look for as they do not look like ordinary paths.  He walks through the woods on feet as light and soft as feathers.  He passes by as secretly as any animal, leaving only the impression a squirrel might leave.

His meals are simple:  whatever he can find and whatever is brought to him by those who know he dwells within the woods.  His self-assigned task is to learn all there is of the Nature that surrounds him.  Day in and day out, he studies the plants and animals, the wind and the weather, the sun and the moon.  When he is not studying, he is meditating and communing with his idea of god, and he deposits what he has learned into the great collective unconsciousness of humankind.  There it is available to anyone who cares to access it.

Where can you find him?  I cannot tell you, but I can tell you this:  You can feel him when you go into the woods.  Try it, but try it alone.  Chatter and a rapport between two people will block his influence.  Just walk into the woods and try it.  Walk or sit.  Stand quietly or meander slowly in a circle.  Listen.  That urge you feel to go and look at that rock, to see what’s behind that tree, to know what’s beyond that bend, to find where that path leads--that is the all the voice of the hermit talking to you, calling you.  He does not speak in words but rather in impressions.  Wait, and you will always receive impressions.  And if you are humble and thoughtful, you will also receive knowledge and advice.

A decoration for the Hermit.

Bring a small gift and leave it.  You will not see him take it, but he will.  A bit of food is always appreciated.  Come to the woods and do this only once, and you will leave with a feeling of ease and happiness.  Come to the woods and do this often, and you will be profoundly changed.  To know that you are never truly alone--to really know it--is a great gift, indeed.

Today I left a jarring, garish ornament, or so it would probably seem to him, who has no need for such displays.  Then why leave it instead of food?  I often leave food, but today I wanted to communicate a feeling of shiny red hope that I found on my Christmas tree this morning.  We take the ordinary everyday tree and we dress it up with sparkles and call it special, and it becomes thus, for whatever we say is so becomes so.  It becomes our symbol of joy and peace.  Why would he need a little trinket to symbolize joy and peace?  Well, he wouldn’t, but he knows that I need it and also that I would like to share it.

Perhaps he will place it on a dead and fallen tree.  I think it would do well there, but I will leave it up to him.  The forest does not need decorations, but the human soul demands the creation of beauty, however garish it might seem, as we are co-creators of this world.  No one knows this better than him.