Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17, 2014 - These Dark Days

The days have been so dark, lately.  It’s cold outside but not terribly freezing.  We’ve had snow but lots of ice and freezing rain as well.  It has been an odd season so far, but winter hasn’t even truly begun yet, so we will see what it has to bring.  Perhaps in another month I will look back on today and think of how balmy the weather was.

It’s the short days that do strange things to the mind.  It seems like I have barely woken up in the morning when it’s suddenly time for bed, but it’s only 4 p.m.  These last few days before the solstice are always the hardest.  There’s a part of me that says, “I just can’t go on.”  Every day seems like the day before it and I wander from place to place looking for something, but I can’t remember what I’m searching for when I get there.  Even when the sun shines on these days, it’s quite weak and pale.

The remedy?  Fire.  Always fire.  If you don’t have a woodstove or fireplace, light several candles in your home and be near the fire.  Look at it.  Gaze into the flames and ask yourself what it is you need to know.  An answer will come, either right then, in a dream, or in the wee hours of the morning.  You might as well take advantage of these last few days to ask the dying year if it has any secrets to reveal.  It may very well surprise you.

These dark and lonely days.