Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7, 2014 - Muddy Water

Muddy water.  I used to avoid it.  I didn’t want to get any on my shoes or track mud in my house.  I used to go around it, out of my way, just in case it was there.  I used to try to find large stones to walk on if I had to be near the muddy water for some reason.  I used to look at it and think of how ugly it was, how I needed a new path.  I used to worry about it because it was so murky and I couldn’t see what was hidden in it, didn't want to see.  And that made me afraid.

But now I know that when the muddy water comes, it’s a good sign.  It means that things have been shaken up a bit.  It means that some things were hidden too long and needed to come to the surface.  It means that silence can only last so long.  It means mistakes and missteps, and those are important parts of the journey.  You can't have a journey without them.  It means activity, and activity means life.

Do you have muddy water?  Are you afraid to let things get shaken up?  Afraid you won’t be able to see?  Don’t be afraid.  The sun can illuminate even the darkest of corners, even the muddiest of water.  All murkiness must recede at the sun's command.  And all things eventually come clean again.

The sun reveals the secrets of the muddy water.