Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014 - Veiled

It is another one of those days.  You know what kind of days I mean.  They are “forgotten” days.  If you stay inside any kind of house or building or manmade structure, you will experience this as just a “foggy” day, but it will still be a regular day to you.  And you will miss another chance.  However, if you go outside, everything changes.

The veil between the worlds.

Leave your house early in the morning, placing a scarf or veil or hood on your head.  Shroud yourself as the Earth shrouds herself.  Mimic her.  Walk quietly and do not speak.  Find a place where no one else will be.  This is easier for some than others, but you can do it.  When you arrive, unveil yourself and listen.  Wait for bells far off in the distance, clanking, echoing . . .  Listen.  Do you hear voices?  Or do ideas just suddenly come to you?  There is a message waiting for you on a day like this.  Hold your hands out as far from your face as you can.  Does the mist envelop them?  What are you grasping out there?  Bring it to your heart.

On days like this, the sun is lost.  Search for it but you will not find it.  The light is not with you today.  On days like this, the mist claims the Earth and holds the sun at bay.  The gentle mist, so thin you can walk right through it, can hold off a giant ball of hurtling flame as if it were nothing.  Now that is strength.  That is power.

Re-shroud yourself.  Return home as silently as you came.  Learn the lesson of the veil.