The dragon is a mythical creature, or so they say. Myself, I believe in them, having seen several in my lifetime. I see them because I look for them, and I look for them because I see them. Often there is just a bit of a tail sticking up from the ground here and there, a gleam of scales high in a tree. Dragons sleep a lot, at least compared to us, so when I find them they are usually asleep. And it's a good thing for that. This fine and noble specimen is no exception, although as you can see, he is sleeping with his eyes open. That's a common dragon trick designed to frighten you half to death, if not all the way. It often works, and that's why you don't hear many accounts of having stumbled upon a live dragon. There's a certain way it must be done, and I just happen to know that way. I am officially documenting this for my return to civilization, when surely I will be heralded as a great explorer. Or something.