Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016 - Expect More

Expecting something to happen makes it more likely to happen.  It’s not a definite, but it’s certainly more likely.  The more you can genuinely expect something, the more likely you’ll get it.  But that’s the key word:  Genuinely.

You have to really believe, and also believe that you believe.  There can’t be any questioning.  Will this happen?  Should this happen?  I sure hope this happens.  Those can’t be thoughts in your mind.  Genuinely expecting something means it’s natural to expect it.  It means you have a right to expect it.  It usually means that a precedent has already been set, and your expectations are part of that precedent.

Birds never wonder if they’ll be fed.  They never wonder if they’ll find the seeds or insects or plants they need to eat.  They just find them.  They expect them to be there, and they are there.  Their expectations are genuine.  How can food not be available when eating is a requirement of life?  So, of course, the food is there.  They have a need for it.  They have a right to expect it, and their expectations are fulfilled.  Every time.  Every year.  Since the dawn of time, their expectations have been met.

This isn’t to say that an animal can’t suffer hardship or hunger.  Occasionally, it does happen.  Usually, it’s due to unforeseen natural disasters or, more often, mankind--another natural disaster.  Yes, animal habitats do shrink, but for the most part animals are well fed.  Yes, species do go extinct all the time, but if it’s not due to mankind, it’s usually just due to natural selection and the natural course of things.  All in all, animals are well cared for.

Is it because they’re “animals” or is it because they expect nothing less?  Why can’t mankind be that way?  There are over 36 billion acres of land on the Earth, and over 7 billion of them are “arable,” which means those acres are suitable for growing crops--not swamps, not forestland, not cities, not mountainous areas, etc.  Of course, food grows naturally in wild areas outside the 7 billion acres, and it also grows abundantly in the ocean.  The 7 billion acres are just cropland.  That’s about an acre a person.  You can grow a lot of food on one arable acre of land.

There sure is a lot out there on this big Earth.  We get to feeling that it’s small sometimes because the media portrays it that way--sort of like we’re all just one big neighborhood block party.  But the Earth is pretty darn big, and even though there are 7 billion people here, that’s really not so very much to the old Earth.  There’s plenty here.

I’ve noticed, though, that we expect lack.  Very often, we expect that there is not enough to go around.  Maybe we expect it because we’re told that by the media.  Maybe there are people out there who have a vested interest in making us think that there’s not enough out there for everyone.  So we expect less and we get less.  And the less we get, the more we confirm our “expectations.”  It becomes a vicious cycle.

I think we should be like the birds.  Am I foolish for that?  Will someone just leave a big plate of food outside for me as I leave for the birds in my bird feeder?  That probably won’t happen, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole lot out there.  There’s so much out there, I can’t even wrap my head around it.

Am I just a foolish and spoiled American for thinking that?  No, I’m not.  And I’ve certainly had my share of “lack” in life.  Some of that is because I expected lack.  Some of it is because others expected it for me, and I bought into what they were saying.

There’s a lot out there, more than enough for every single person on the planet to live in sheer abundance.  But first we have to change the way we think about it.  We have to dissect our thoughts and find out how they got into our head in the first place and whether or not we want them to stay there.  Then we have to change what we expect out of life.

We have to change what we expect.  We have to change what we believe.  We have to know our rights--our inherent rights, not our “Bill of Temporary Privileges.”*  If anyone tells us differently (and we can fully expect they will), well, we know the poison they’re selling.  We don’t have to buy it.

* A phrase coined by the late comedian George Carlin.