It occurs to me that the thing lacking the most from the
world these days is an understanding, an instinctual knowing, of what Truth
Note that Truth, itself, is not
lacking in the world, just the understanding and knowledge of it.
Truth can never be lacking because it is
where and it is every
There is nothing that can exist without Truth, and therefore, everything
is Truth.
But mankind, because he has
freedom of choice, may choose to see Truth or may choose to ignore it.
He may also choose to soil it and use it in
ways it was not intended to be used.
And what is Truth? Truth
is the harmonious and perfect laws by which this universe is run. Truth states these laws and follows them
exactly and proclaims them from the highest mountain. Truth is immutable and permanent. It is etched in stone. It does not compromise because it does not
have to. Nor does it make deals or
exceptions or indulgences.
The Truth is unmistakable. |
Truth demands an absolute comprehension of the perfect
functioning of the universe. This comprehension
is innate and dwells within every living being.
No schooling is needed to understand the laws of the universe, and these
laws are accessible to all--prince and pauper.
There are no favorites when it comes to the application of Truth.
No university holds the essence of Truth. No secret society is alone privy to the
secrets of Truth. There is no striving
necessary to find Truth, no woeful path beset with trials and tribulations
necessary to win Truth. It is freely
available to the brilliant scholar and the most humble farmer. It is freely available to the strongest and
the weakest, the richest and the poorest, the nobleman and the common man. Because in the eyes of Truth, there is no
And how do we find Truth?
It is at our fingertips every second of every day. The easiest way to familiarize yourself with
Truth is to study the natural world. In
studying the natural world, certain things will become evident. Certain things will be noticed, and they can
be relied upon to always behave in the same manner. Certain things will always be harmonious. And all of these “certain things,” upon
reflection and studying, will produce a “feeling” within you, a “knowledge,” a
You then take that feeling, that knowledge, that flow, and
you apply them instinctively to other aspects of your life. And if they “feel” right--and you will know
in no uncertain terms if they do--then they are Truth. And if they do not, there will be an instant
lack of harmony. Everything will feel
wrong. If it cannot be held up to the
simple basics of the natural world, no matter how complicated or beautiful it
may appear, then it is not Truth.
Here are some simple aspects of Truth to consider. They are so simple that they might seem
ridiculous. Surely, Truth must be more
complicated than this? But I say
no: Up is up and down is down, and what
goes up must come down. The sun is still
the sun and the moon is still the moon.
There is light and there is darkness, and both are necessary in our
world. Without one, the other cannot
exist because they define one another.
Black is black and white is white, and every color in between is just a
part of the whole. Male is male and
female is female, and both are necessary in our world. But as with light and darkness, each is
different, and this difference is cause for celebration. The whole is greater than the sum of its
That’s how you begin.
You notice in the natural world the “constants,” the things that are
immutable, the things you can bank on, the things that happen the same way over
and over with good results. And you
notice that these things are not improved upon because there is no need. Smooth function and simplicity of existence
are hallmarks of the Great Alchemist, and when you find these things, you are
on the right track. When you become
confident in them, you can apply them to other aspects of your life.
But remember: Truth
is etched in stone. No amount of
beguiling words or outer beauty can make it otherwise. Truth is enduring and changeless. If something changes willy-nilly, it is not
Truth because Truth is constant and steadfast and fixed. Truth does not compromise, and it cares not
one jot for mocking derision at its permanent and perpetual nature. Truth does not care when deceptive people try
to label it and call it stubborn, pigheaded, and narrow minded. Truth does not give even one inch, regardless
of insults, or compliments, for that matter.
This does not mean that Truth does not forgive. It does forgive, and it is kind, and it is
loving. But it still remains absolutely
true to form. When mistakes are made,
Truth waits patiently where it has always waited for the one who has erred to
see where he has gone wrong and how he might go right.
Some silver-tongued wordsmiths might say to you, “Your truth
is different than mine. My truth is of a
completely different nature and path. We
live in different realities.” This is a
lie because Truth does not change. It
can’t change. It is the same for
everyone, regardless of how much a person might deny it. Truth must follow the natural laws laid down
at the beginning of time. There is only
one path of Truth. This path may be
lined with dramatically different people and ideas, but it is still the same
path. The sun and moon still rise and
set for all kinds of people. Black is
still black and white is still white, and all of the other natural things noted
above are still the same as well. These can all be found on the
You may compromise many aspects of your life. You may go along to get along. You may give in certain areas and take in
others that you may not want to for the sake of kindness and decency. You may be flexible with your expectations
and demands. All of these things are
part of living with other people, and are all fine. But the one thing you must never do is
compromise Truth, for the moment you do, you will not have one second’s rest
until you go back to what you know is true.
After all the negotiating and discussing is said and done,
after all the giving and taking is carried out, you must come to a point where
you draw a line in the sand. That line
is Truth, and you do not step over it, ever. And as long as you can do that, you will have
peace and harmony in your life. Oh, you
may win some things and lose some others.
Wealth may come and go because it flows like the tides (another natural
Truth). You may gain friends at times
and lose them at others. But if you have
Truth, if you know that things are
what they are and you do not let
anyone confuse you, if you refuse to play the games of the Trickster, then you
will be very rich, indeed.