Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 - February Changes

There’s a coating of ice on everything and a few feet of snow on almost everything, too.  But don’t be afraid!  Change is in the air now.  What?  You don’t think so?  I told you what I saw yesterday and I heard the whispers in the woods, so don’t worry about how things look right now.  Pay no attention to the ice and snow.  Do not let the chilling cold frighten you.  The outside world is just a reflection, a reflection that can be changed.  Concern yourself with the inside world, the one that lives in your mind and heart.  It is that world we will bring to manifest.

Now is the time to go into your house and find pretty little pieces of ribbon or strips of cloth.  Bring them outside to your favorite tree or large bush.  Then decide what it is you want, what changes you need to see, what you would like to do in the coming year.  Hold your cloths and make your wishes, one for each strip of cloth.  Then tie them onto a branch or thick twig of your tree and repeat them out loud as you tie.

She will find them, rest assured, and in a year’s time you will probably have forgotten your wishes.  But they will come to pass whether you remember them or not.  She will find them.

Don't let the ice deter you from your goals.