Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 12, 2014 - Fairy Work

Just about the middle of every season, some of the “otherworldly” activity picks up.  I could easily have missed this, but because we are more or less at the midpoint of seasons, I was on the lookout.  And what do you suppose I found?  Yes, it’s a hastily-constructed fairy den.  This particular kind is a work den.  It’s constructed as temporary housing for the work to be done at hand, and when that work is completed, it will be quickly dismantled so no one can find evidence of their presence in the area.

But surely you know that fairies work?  Oh, absolutely.  Like every creature on this planet--seen and unseen--they must contribute.  The fairies’ job (those who behave anyway) is to absorb Prana and distribute it to the physical world.  Prana is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to “constant movement.”  Its more general translation is “life force.”  The ancient yogis believed that Prana was taken in through the air by breathing, and they developed many different ways of guiding the breath to utilize this Prana.

Temporary fairy work den.

Fairies absorb Prana--life force or vitality--from the sun, and they distribute it to the physical world.  Fairies work on many levels.  Some work on the actual structure of plants, from colors of flowers to heights of trees.  Some work below ground in the soil with minerals.  Still others work at the molecular level and are concerned with cellular growth.

If you pay attention, you can tell when they’re around and active.  A low whistling sound often indicates that they're talking.  Listen carefully and you may discern the words.  Music often bridges the gap between the two worlds, which is why in my article Magic House I told you to hang chimes on your property.  They love the sound of chimes.  They also love the lute, flute, and lyre.  Some enjoy tribal drumming as well.  You’ll have to experiment to see what works best for the fairies in your area.  And then . . . you must simply “look” for them.  Believe you will see them, and you will.

In any event, judging by this picture I would say that the fairies are preparing for the Fall.  The leaves will change color and then fall to the ground.  Insects will retreat.  The trees will absorb the minerals from deep in the ground and hold them until next year.  Vegetation will eventually brown and die off.  The winds will shift.  The food will ripen.  Yes, there is much work to be done and not much time in which to do it!

(And what of those fairies who do not contribute to the distribution of Prana?  Well, there are many kinds of fairy jobs, with mischief being only one, although it’s one they thoroughly enjoy.  Some teach us lessons of spite, anger, and futility--all necessary in the evolution of a human being.)