Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 - Dragon of the Meadow

Mighty dragon of the meadow,
where have you hidden your treasure?
Is it where all the old tales say?
In underground caverns
and secret passages
and dungeons
and dark places where no one dare enter.
How do you guard this precious treasure?
Is it safe with your ferocious flame, as we have heard?
Breathing fire
and melting rocks
and scorching the earth
and destroying all life in your path.

Or have we all been misled?
Did we search in the wrong places for the treasure?
Not even knowing what the treasure was?
The grass
and trees
and sun
and sky
and meadows
and freedom.
Especially freedom.
Above all:  Freedom.
To fly in the meadow and sing in the golden sun.

Golden dragon of the meadow.