Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21, 2014 - Elementals of the Storm

Storms that come in off the ocean are different than land storms.  There is a lot of power churning out in the ocean, and when the storm elementals wish to make a display, they harness that power.  Ocean storms seemingly come up out of nowhere.  This surprises many people who are not used to it.  They also are extremely fast-moving, and their speed and ferocity frighten wary travelers, and rightly so.  Therefore, I have put together the makings of an ocean storm to help the reader who may not yet have experienced one, and if you read between the lines, you will learn how to use some of this magic for yourself.

Imagine that you are walking down a sunny beach with a bit of breeze here and there as there always is at the ocean.  Perhaps you are searching for special seashells or looking for colored sea glass.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a much cooler gust of wind blows quickly against your face.  This wind is different from the regular sea breeze you’ve been enjoying.  If you were familiar with ocean storms, you would get away now, but since you are not, you pay no attention.  Half a minute later, the wind blows again.  It’s even cooler this time.  It’s stronger, too, and this time it doesn’t stop.  You pull your jacket around you and keep hunting for shells.

But the wind is strong and cold and you try to adjust your path so that the wind is at your back.  This is not a smart move because now you are not paying attention to it at all.  Now the wind is at your back and you don’t notice quite how cold it has gotten.  You continue in your search for fancy shells and pretty sea glass.

Half a minute later, the sun and sky were completely engulfed in gray.

You don’t look out into the ocean, but if you did, you’d see an exceptionally dark gray mass far out at sea.  It probably wouldn’t bother you, though, if you did look because it seems so far away.  Yet in another minute, it is much closer and much bigger, but you don’t see it because you’re looking for treasures.  The wind has gotten colder, so you absentmindedly pull your jacket even closer and shiver.

What you don’t know is that out over the ocean, the storm elementals--the fairies responsible for storms--are raging!  They are unleashing Prana to the land.  They are nearly transparent beings with streaming long silver hair with hints of blue and dark gray in it.  It whips all about them as they fly in toward the land like a herd of wild horses.  If you were to look closely, you could see some of them at the cloud tops.  I believe I caught a couple in this photo.  These are air fairies, and they are directly connected to Prana.  They inhale the breath of life, and when they furiously exhale, the wind carries words and songs and hidden knowledge with it.  This goes directly into human minds, and it is how we “suddenly” have an idea or are blessed with inspiration.

But it’s a double-edged sword.  A gentle breeze can bring life and rain, but a violent wind can call in a hurricane and destroy life.  That is part of the magic of air, though.  Our breath is a gift given to us at birth, which we must return at death.  The Sylphs are the keepers of this secret, but whether you know the secret or not, you still must return the gift.

In any event, we are back to you on the beach now.  Suddenly (belatedly), you notice the wind is blowing hard and it’s very cold.  You listen intently, but you notice that all the seabirds are gone.  There is no sound but the moaning wind.  And somehow . . . it seems very dark outside.  This is because the sun has disappeared behind tempestuous gray clouds which have blown in at lightning speed from the ocean, brought in by the air elementals, the fairies.  I have watched a sunny beach turn cold and gray within two minutes flat.  When the sky opens, and it will, a torrential downpour will begin.  It will seem almost as though the ocean is rising up and falling upon you.  Now you would be clever, indeed, to get away as fast as you can!  Hopefully, you have a place very nearby, or at least a vehicle, where you can shelter from the raging display of the air elementals.

You must wait it out, as you must do with all storms in your life.  You can be foolish and expose yourself to the elements and be injured.  Or you can be wise and harness the power of the wind.  When you know the storm spirits are coming, write your biggest problem down on a piece of paper and tear it into tiny pieces.  Then go out onto a large rock (not too close to the ocean) or a hill if you're inland and throw the pieces into the wind.  Let the elementals deal with it.  Then race back to your shelter.  All you need to do now is listen and wait for the answers.  They will appear later on a small breeze as if by magic, wafted directly into your mind.  And this is one way to harness the magic of the fairies.