Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014 - Dark Fairies of the Fall

It’s getting to be that time of year again.  When I go into the woods, I can feel them watching me.  Every summer I all but forget about them.  Every fall I am reminded of them in no uncertain way.  It’s almost as if all the lush leaves of summer put up a living, pulsing screen that I can’t see through, or perhaps choose not to see through.  In the summer I see life, I see energy, I see consumption.

They are everywhere.

But in the fall, that all goes away.  The screen falls.  The pulsation slows to a crawl.  Hallowe’en is almost upon us, and the darker fairies are waking up.  They’re coming out again.  At first, it’s just a flitting shadow here and there.  But then they stay longer and more of them come.  They were there all along, but they remained hidden.  Now the dark part of the year is upon us, and they are growing braver.  It’s their turn, and this is the law of our world.  One aspect gives way to the other.

You can hear them in the rustling of the leaves.  You can smell them on the wind, that semi-sweet, decaying, sour scent--a different kind of Prana.  You can hear a clicking sound, the sound of bare twigs scratching.  They are getting bolder.  Everywhere you see their eyes.  Pay attention.  Listen.  Look.  They are watching you.  Don’t stay in the forest too long.