Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014 - Thankful

The word of the day is thankful, and today everyone will make the rounds with their friends and tell them what they’re thankful for.  Of course, we are thankful all the time, we just get busy and don’t always say it and don’t always consciously think it.  Today is a day to stop being so busy and to think and to say thank you.

There isn’t enough paper and ink to list the things for which I am thankful, but I asked myself today, isn’t there just one thing, one extraordinary thing?  And of course, the answer was a resounding yes, and the word in my mind was “snow.”

The beauty of snow while in pursuit of Maine.

Yes, snow.  I am so thankful for snow.  I’m thankful for its grace as it gently glides down from the sky because that kind of grace makes my heart sing and reminds me that beauty is always there if I look.  I’m thankful for snow's uniqueness.  Not one snowflake--not one!--is the same as any other, and this reminds me of human beings, how precious we all are.  I’m thankful for the cold of the snow because the cold can do so many wonderful things.  The cold can calm fiery and angry emotions.  The cold can make us wise by teaching us to save good things in the warm weather because the cold knows how much that will be appreciated someday.  I’m thankful for the hard work that snow causes.  It makes me shovel for hours, and I sing while I shovel and the shoveling causes pain and exhaustion, which leads to a wonderful hot bath.

So many things about snow.  Purity, cleanliness, newness, decoration, water metamorphosis.  But maybe the best thing--the best thing--is all the wonderful tracks left by all the animals who come to visit my house every single day--every single day.  And I don’t usually even know they’re there.  But the snow tells me.  The snow says, “Oh, yes, today the squirrels were busy and the birds were hopping and two hares came by and deer tried to get into the bird feeder, and coyotes are roaming . . .  Every day they come to my house, and I’m so thankful for their silent presence.

Life is there.  It’s always there.  He who hath ears, let him hear.