Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 - Dead Trees

All around us now, the trees are playing dead.  There are no leaves or flowers.  No birds sing in their branches, and no insects hum in their canopy.  No sap runs, no resin drips.  They do not whisper anymore when the wind blows.  Now they just creak as they rock back and forth, brittle and rigid.  There is no soft scent of greenery coming from them, no moisture to be felt, no protection from the elements.  They no longer offer us stability and steadfastness.  There is no comfort.

I can’t tell the difference now between the trees that are alive and those that have already been dead for some time.  In summer it’s simple, of course, because they are so dramatically different.  But in the winter when the living trees pretend to be dead, who can say which is alive and which is dead?  They do such a good job of mimicking death.

Or is it that the dead trees are doing a fine job of mimicking the living trees?  Really, we can’t be certain anymore.  In the season of death, anything is possible.  The dead trees are behaving very much like the living trees, and the living trees could win an award for playing dead.  They are just playing, aren’t they?

Living or dead?  What's the difference?