Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016 - Feeling the Storm

Is it not peculiar that weather is referred to in terms of emotions?  The fury of the storm, the gladness of the sun, the desolation of the ice, the hope of spring.  And it’s also peculiar and is certainly no mistake that people often behave differently in different kinds of weather.  “I don’t know what happened to me yesterday.  I guess I was just out of sorts, feeling so overcast . . .”

I can’t help but think there’s more to it than just a coincidence.  Surely, we all know some people who are simply miserable when it’s raining out and joyous when the sun shines.  Of course, there are those who feel joy and serenity in the rain (I am one of them) and suffocation in the sun, so we can’t say that our mood will be identical to the weather, although for some people it is.  We can, however, say that in one way or another, our mood will be affected by the weather.

I can feel it coming.
I think it’s something else going on, though.  I think we have a direct relationship with the weather, and the kind of relationship we have with it determines how we will react to it, hence different reactions to the same weather pattern.  It also determines how we will display our own emotions when the time comes for them to erupt.  And the time always comes.  The volcano within never sleeps.

I think the weather is the emotions of the planet.  When you look out your window at a weather phenomenon--brilliant sun, torrential rain, raging blizzard, eerie fog--you actually feel it.  You feel that weather.  You feel the mood of the planet.  But how is that possible?  We can certainly feel the emotions of other people, but can we feel the emotions of the planet?  I think we can.  Emotions are attracted to their own kind.  Of course, that would mean that the Earth is a living being . . .

But the turning of the Earth on its axis, the rotation of the Earth as she dances, the water cycle, the moon and tides--these things all have explanations, we say.  Indeed, they do.  And yet when the storm hits, which of us do not feel the storm in our bodies?  And when we rage ourselves on the inside, furious with someone or something, which of us do not resemble the most terrible raging lightning?  And when we smile with love at child, do we not feel the warmth of the sun even if it is cloudy outside?

There’s more to it than we realize.  I am inclined to believe that if we study the weather patterns and their effects, we might learn a great deal about ourselves and how to better handle our emotions.  The trick is to find out what our unique relationship is to the weather, and for each of us that is a different thing.  When we observe the devastation of the storm and its inevitability, we might be able to plan better.  Our own inner storms are certainly inevitable--if we are alive, they are inevitable--but a little foresight before the onslaught might make a huge difference in the outcome.

Meanderings . . . wandering through the gentle brook that spills over the sun-warmed pebbles in my mind . . .