Friday, November 15, 2019

November 15, 2019 - Where She Treads


They danced as if there were no tomorrow
the evenings filled with their sighs
and man and beast grew fat on the wealth
languishing now where at first they thrived
with no thoughts to the future
or the turning of the leaves
or the cold moon
or the wolf.

The Lord of Winter comes now
demanding obeisance and adoration
every knee bent
his hawk's eye upon the lady
possession above all else
with woman treading softly now
the magical music long since gone
and the King imprisoned or dead.
She seeks the one who will wear the crown
in His stead.
It is good now, the cold, the snow
with memory mercifully fading again
blessed silence and dreams
and walking in snowy fields
no footprints made
no seeds
until the blood-red sky challenges the black heavens
and He remembers.