Is it too much? Be
sure to block your sight out with an iron nail driven deeply through the eye. No amount of avoidance can be enough. No amount of pain is enough so long as it
blocks out the truth, right? Go ahead
and place the anointed and embalmed body in a padded coffin with lace and
flowers. Paint the macabre marionette’s
face to make her look alive, so you do not have to see what has been waiting
for you all along.
Is it too much? Be
sure to stain your vision red so you do not have to see the inky blackness. Be sure to pretend the gaping dark precipice
on which you stand is just the dirt under your feet. But I have been here all along. Before you were born, I was here. After you have gone, I will still be
here. I am the cycle from beginning to
end. You came for lies, but I haven’t
any to give you. I have loved you more
than your own God ever could.