Monday, July 23, 2018

July 23, 2018 - You are not Alone

It is a feeling of such intense longing.  The people can see it; they can almost smell it.  They walk around with their faces bent over their phones, paging through.  Paging and paging.  Searching….  They are looking for it.  Maybe it will be in the next post, the next announcement, the next comment.  And they page and page. 

But it is not there.  Maybe it will be there next time.  Yes, there is always a next time to page through again.  Maybe it will be there.

In pursuit . . .
They buy so many products, a good deal of which they do not need.  Maybe it is there.  They treat themselves to rich food and drink.  Or they eat what they know is not good for them.  Maybe they will find it in defiance.  Perhaps an element of self-destruction will jolt them back into . . . something.  They lose themselves in television or movies.  It might be in just the next frame.  Maybe it will be.

And then, quite by accident, they see a photo of the ocean.  Or the forest.  Or a meadow in bloom.  It reminds them of the scent of a rose.  Is that the call of a bird of prey somewhere in the distance?  And the whisper starts in the back of their mind.  “Run!  Run!  Go and get it!”  They stare, mesmerized.  They expand the photo on their screens and melt into it.  Just for a moment….  “Run!  Go and get it!”

Tears flow.  “Please,” they say, “take me in and shelter me.  Hold me until I get over this, until I get out of this evil spell, until I can see the splendor again.  Please keep me safe.”  And the tears flow.  “I just want to rest for a few minutes.  Please.  Help me.  Let me stay in this place for a short while until I find myself again, until my soul begins to heal.  Please….”

Then the moment is gone.  They shake their heads to clear out the cobwebs.  They stare ahead with a blank look . . . and begin to page again.  Surely it is here somewhere . . .  Surely it is just around the corner.

And the grass that you trample under your feet reaches up to pat your ankles, and it whispers, “I dream of you.”  The wind caresses your face and brings cool sweetness, and it whispers, “I have been waiting for you.  The Earth gives a sweet scent that swirls around your head and intoxicates you, and she whispers, “I still love you.”

You are not alone.  You are never alone.  In your heart you know where to find it.  Go and get it.