Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 26, 2020 - January Thaw

In the January thaw, more than just the ice melts.  The people melt, too, and Pandora’s Jar is taken off the shelf, polished again, and peered into when no one is looking.  There is no fear of releasing any evil, since it has all long since been released, and the world is already rife with it.  There is, instead, the timid and secretive search for hope, the very last and only thing remaining in the jar.  But it is always done in secret because sacred things require silence.

What wisdom the ancients must have had to design a “myth” that matches our lives so perfectly.  For which one of us has not hung his or her head in shame or sorrow or utter defeat when the full burden of life falls upon our shoulders?  It is only hope that does not fly away from the jar.  Perhaps your jar has been frozen again this winter?  Open it quickly in this thaw, then, and you will find hope residing within.  But you already knew that.

It is not a trick.  It is real.  The ability to dare to hope for something better, something more solid, something more loving is, I think, what is best in mankind.  It is that ability to stare into the face of the abyss with not even the tiniest of candles to light the way and to say, “I will keep going.  I will keep trying.  There has to be something better out there for me.”  Faith is the substance of things not yet seen.

And woe to him who never opens the jar to search for hope or, even worse, has foolishly left the jar open and unattended and hope has slipped away forever.  There are also some—perhaps you know one?—who cannot access Pandora’s Jar at all or who cannot even fathom its existence.  Their number is legion, and even now, they seethe with jealousy over the alabaster jar.  It is one thing to not know of the jar’s existence, and that is bad enough, but it is quite another thing to know of it, to know it cannot be accessed, and to want to stop anyone who can access the jar from being able to do so.

Yes, their number is legion.  You can hear their howls in the night.

What is hope?  It is that tiny spark that cannot be doused, that tiny ray of sunshine shrouded in the soul.  It is the January thaw, the reminder that things were better and can be better again.  Come, you Angels of Hope.  We know what has been taken from us, but we also know that the Adversary can take as much as he likes and it does not matter.  He can take it all, but he will not hold it for long.  He can only lust after the sacred flame, but he cannot touch it because it will burn him to cinders.  No matter how or where he tries to imprison it or douse it, it will always come back to Pandora’s jar.

Hope springs eternal.