Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 13, 2019 - The Rhythm

I have written often about rhythm and patterns and cycles in the woods and animals around me, because an understanding of these is an understanding of the fabric of life.  All things have a rhythm, and that rhythm occurs in patterns, and those patterns repeat in cycles.  Over and over it goes, unceasingly.  To truly understand this and then to harness that understanding catapults a person from a mundane adherence with ritual to a sublime partnership with the Master Builder.

It begins with the heartbeat.  I will not speculate here as to what mysterious force sparks that beat, but it is enough to say that it occurs unfailingly.  From the dawn of our existence in our current bodies, we have heard that rhythm.  Bah-Tum, bah-Tum, bah-Tum.  It was the first thing our conditioned consciousness acknowledged.  Bah-Tum, bah-Tum, bah-Tum.  And in tandem and recognition of otherness, we heard our mother’s heartbeat, ha-Shah, ha-Shah, ha-Shah, and we grew daily as we clung to the sound.

Until we ventured forth into patterns.  Each cell multiplied at a precise rate calculated long before we ever came into our current existence, layering and layering, all the while listening to the heartbeat, to the Bah-Tum, bah-Tum, bah-Tum, as it grew ever stronger.  And the Great Alchemist placed His kiss upon our forehead and hid the blueprint of our manifestation deep in our subconscious, ours to call upon when needed.

In the beginning there was not light, there was sound.  There were waves that came in specific patterns and washed over us much as they wash over the ocean still.  And even the Light was subject to the Wave, bowing in adoration before the hypnotic rhythm, ha-Shah, ha-Shah, ha-Shah, dancing in ecstasy as it traveled through the Universe.

Until we burst forth into a Cycle that repeated and repeated ad infinitum, adoring the Pattern who loved the Rhythm.  And we breathed air in a rhythm, in a pattern, in a cycle.  Methodically breathing in the Universe as it exhaled and then ourselves being breathed in by the Universe as we exhaled and it inhaled.  Back and forth, sharing the rhythm.  I am now you, you are now me, ha-Shah, ha-Shah, ha-Shah.

We witness it daily as we sail through our busy days, foolishly unaware of the raw power shimmering around us.  The rhythm of the day, the sun rising and setting; the pattern of the week, Monday through Sunday; the cycle of the seasons of the year.  And then the Great Wheel turns yet again and we begin anew.  Comes now spring, then summer, then fall, and finally winter.  Now birth, then growth, then fruit, and finally death.

He who has ears, let him hear.  Take the seed of your desire and plant it in the fertile field of your mind—like unto the mysterious force that sparked your heartbeat—and bathe it in the waves of thought.  Water it daily with the rhythmic pulse of your blood, Bah-Tum, bah-Tum, bah-Tum.  Then take secret pleasure in the pattern of growth and the building of strength according to the sacred blueprint.  Let it burst forth at last in the completed cycle of manifestation in your life.  I AM.  Then die, and do it all over again.