Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019 - The Unsung Heroes

As every day melts into the next and then solidifies, I find it is the unsung heroes who are most important.  That would not be the noble bald eagle flying high above, talons outstretched, looking for his next kill.  It would not be the sinuous lynx as she sneaks through the frozen tundra, searching for dinner.  It would also not be the bold black bear, mostly sleeping in his den now, although occasionally making a dreadful appearance.

Hard worker.  Planter of trees.
The sun, then?  That magnificent golden orb in the sky?  Certainly not.  Of all the heroes in this universe, perhaps his praises have been sung the most.  The moon, then?  Less intense and furtive to be sure, but she too is a heroine about which countless poems have been written.  The shining stars?  The raging wind?  The magnificent sea?  No.  Heroes all.

What, then, is an unsung hero?  The unsung hero is the unnoticed hero.  He is the one who quietly protects.  The one who silently leads without others knowing.  She is the one who plods on in her thankless work, gathering what she may here and there, storing for leaner times, hoping for better.  She is the one who teaches, without whom others could not hope to succeed.  He is the one who gently sings a song so quietly, that only the snow could hear, if it were listening.

The unsung heroes do the boring work, which comprises most of the work of the world.  They weave the background of the magnificent tapestry we call life, in front of which the mighty eagle appears small by comparison.  They feed and teach and soothe and hope.  They are not called large or brave or strong or beautiful.  In fact, they are not noticed at all.  They walk silently throughout the landscape, rarely making a sound, holding the world together whenever it threatens to burst apart yet again.